Sunday Tribune



North-south vulnerable. South deals.

Opening lead: Six of ♦

Today’s deal is from a recent online tournament. South was Israeli expert Yaniv Zack. Many would have bid 2NT with the East hand to show both minors, but this East player wanted to be sure of a diamond lead. Zack thought that his fourth trump and the ruffing value in diamonds made his hand good enough to accept the invitation.

The opening lead went to the three, nine, and king. Zack drew the trumps in three rounds ending in dummy. He had eight top tricks and a diamond ruff would give him a ninth. The tenth trick was a challenge and it could only come from the spade suit.

Zack led a low spade from dummy to his nine and West’s king. West continued with the eight of diamonds to East’s 10 and East shifted to the queen of clubs to Zack’s ace.

Declarer knew that the 10 of spades was on his right from the first spade play and he took his only real chance for another trick. He led the jack of spades from his hand and bravely ran it when West played low. The fall of the 10 from East was a lovely sight and Zack claimed his well-earned contract. Nicely done!





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