Sunday Tribune



3 Name another term for marijuana (8)

7 To mend something is to do what to it (6)

8 In Greek legend, who was slain by Paris (8) 9 Name the well-known street in central London, once on the bank of the Thames (6)

10 To contest at law is to do what (8)

11 Which bees are stingless, and make no honey (6)

14 Name a term that means free of cost (6)

17 What do we call one who produces hastily executed drawings (8)

18 Which fin is developed on the back of a shark, etc (6)

19 Name the term, usually opposed to digital (8)

20 What is a more readily known word for a tyro (6)

21 Which sideboards are used for storing dishes and cooking utensils (8)


1 Name the term that relates to the state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, rain, etc (7)

2 Which vehicular home is traditionally inhabited by gypsies (7)

3 What are little cots for infants (7)

4 To be louder is to be what (7)

5 What do we call heavy material carried by a ship for ensuring proper stability (7)

6 Which term is descriptive of female siblings (7)

11 To cast aside is to do what (7)

12 What does a surgeon often do (7)

13 What are written agreements deposited with a third person (7)

14 Which plots of ground are devoted to the cultivation of flowers, etc (7)

15 To sanction officially is to do what (7)

16 What is the state of early childhood (7)





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