Sunday Tribune


1 What animal can regenerate, repair or replace lost limbs or organs?

2 Which tree of the pea family (Fabaceae), native to Central America and the West Indies, was once an important source of black dye?

3 Which part of the brain controls the pituitary gland?

4 Which companion of Odin and Thor is a cunning trickster who can change his shape and gender?

5 Who was Alexander the Great’s teacher?

6 What is the world’s most poached and trafficked animal?

7 Children in Finland dress as what on Easter?

8 Only three movies in history have won the “big five” at the Oscars (Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor and Best Actress). Name them.

9 On Friends, which profession did Tom Selleck portray?

10 Who sent Christopher Columbus to explore the New World?

11 What was the name of the international group formed to maintain world peace after World War I?

12 The US hosted the FIFA World Cup in 1994. Who won the final?

13 What type of dog is named “Handsome Dan”, and is the mascot of Yale?

14 What food company created limited-edition chicken-flavoured nail polish?

15 In ‘The Birth of Venus’ by Sandro Botticelli, on what does the goddess stand? 16 Which US prize is an award for achievements in literature and journalism?

17 Which song did Harry Styles win the 2021 BRIT Award for British Song of the Year?

18 What is a haboob?

19 Who was Winston Churchill addressing when he famously said ‘We shall never surrender’ in 1940?

20 Which French patisserie means ‘lightning’ in French?





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